e-ISSN: 3023-6053
Volume : 1 Issue : 2 Year : 2024

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Volume: 1  Issue: 2 - 2023
1. Editorial
Gökçen Garipoğlu
Page I

2. Nutritional Attitudes and Behaviors of Physicians, Mersin Province Study
Armağan Şaşmaz, Gökçen Garipoğlu
doi: 10.14744/bauh.2024.80299  Pages 45 - 50
INTRODUCTION: Nutrition is defined as providing and using in the body the nutrients needed to protect and improve health and improve the quality of life. Shift work and on-call duty are common among healthcare workers and are predicted to affect their eating habits. The purpose of our study is to investigate the nutrition attitudes and behaviors of physicians (medical doctors) in the sample of Mersin province.
METHODS: This study, planned as a cross-sectional type, was carried out in Mersin province between November 2020 and October 2021. With an online survey, participants’ sociodemographic characteristics and nutritional behaviors were evaluated using the Attitude Scale for Healthy Nutrition (ASHN).
RESULTS: A total of 275 physicians (137 men and 138 women) participated in the study, and the average age was found to be 48.0±10.2 years. About 50.6% of physicians were overweight, and 10.9% were obese. However, it was determined that 151 (54.9%) of the participants had received nutrition education before. When physicians daily consumption rates of basic food groups were examined, it was determined that the rate of inadequate intake was highest in the vegetable group (90.2%), 79.9% in the grain group, 77.2% in milk and dairy products, and 70.9% in the fruit group. According to nutritional attitude evaluations; it was found to be statistically significant that physicians whose age was 50 and above and who exercised regularly had higher scores on ASHN (p<0.05). In addition, the fast food consumption frequency of single physicians participating in our study was statistically higher than that of married physicians (p<0.001).
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Although physicians’ ASHN scores regarding were a high, it was observed that there were inadequacies in their consumption according to food groups, and the number of physicians with high body mass index was high. The combination of malnutrition and intense workload can lead to a decrease in physicians’ quality of life and work efficiency in the long term, as well as an increase in chronic diseases.

3. Adolescent Football Players’ Nutritional Knowledge Levels, Nutritional Status, and Nutritional Habits During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Aslıcan Ateş, Yonca Sevim
doi: 10.14744/bauh.2024.43153  Pages 51 - 64
INTRODUCTION: This study was conducted to evaluate the nutritional knowledge levels, habits, nutritional status, and changing nutritional habits during the pandemic period of adolescent football players aged 14–18 years who play football in a football academy.
METHODS: 89 male football players (62 middle-adolescents and 27 late-adolescents) participated in the study. Information about general characteristics, health, nutritional habits, and knowledge level of the athletes were obtained by a questionnaire method applied by face-to-face interview. Height and weight measurements were taken by researcher. Three-day food records were taken, and dietary nutrient intakes were calculated with a software program and the data were statistically evaluated.
RESULTS: The majority of the athletes do not skip meals. When those who skipped meals were analyzed, it was found that the majority skipped the midday meal. As a reason, they stated that it coincided with the training time. According to the rate of correct answers to the questions in the nutrition knowledge level section, the success rate of the middle adolescent group was 81%, and 75% of the late adolescent group. The majority of the athletes did not change their eating habits during the pandemic period. Dietary intake of energy, carbohydrate, fiber, calcium, iron, potassium, zinc, and Vitamin B1 of the athletes were lower than recommendations, protein intake was sufficient, and fat, sodium, and phosphorus intakes were higher than recommendations. The percentages of the recommended intakes of nutrients in the eighteen age group were found to be lower than the other age groups.
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Athletes generally have fat-weighted diets, and dietary intakes were insufficient in terms of some important nutrients required for growth, development, and sports performance.

4. Effects of Premenstrual Syndrome and Giving Birth on Women’s Cognitive Abilities
Zeynep Kavaklı, Selen Gür-özmen
doi: 10.14744/bauh.2024.09719  Pages 65 - 71
INTRODUCTION: Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a cyclic disorder that affects many young and middle-aged women that arises during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle and meliorates during the follicular phase. Neuropsychological symptoms of PMS have been researched as well as other symptoms. However, previous information about the effects of PMS on cognition is not univocal. Therefore, this study is conducted to contribute to the literature. The previous research does not include the long-term effects of giving birth on cognition. Therefore, the present study is conducted to examine the long-term effects of motherhood on cognitive functions.
METHODS: In this study, women in the luteal phase and follicular phase were compared to examine the effects of PMS on cognition. Beck Depression Inventory and Beck Anxiety Inventory were applied to discriminate the symptoms of depression, anxiety, and PMS. PMS screening tool was applied to determine whether PMS exists or not. Tests that measure visual memory, verbal memory, attention and concentration, visuospatial organization, and executive functions were conducted.
RESULTS: In this study, we found that PMS significantly affects attention and concentration (Digit Span Forward Test p = 0.023). We could not find any significant effect of PMS on visual memory, visuospatial organization, executive functions, and verbal memory. The same group was compared as nulliparous and parous to examine the long-term effects of giving birth on cognitive abilities. The results showed no significant effect of giving birth on attention and concentration, visual memory, verbal memory, visuospatial organization, and executive functions.
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: We conducted this study because the information about the effects of PMS was not solid. Furthermore, previous studies did not investigate the long-term effects of giving birth on cognition. In this study, the effects of PMS on cognitive functions were investigated and we found that PMS affects attention and concentration. In addition, we studied the effects of giving birth on women’s cognitive functions. We could not find any significant long-term effect of giving birth on women’s cognitive functions. The study’s sample size was limited because to the COVID-19 pandemic. Studies with greater sample sizes are thought to produce superior findings.

5. The Effects of Aerobic Exercises on Psychiatric Symptoms and Physical Fitness in Children Exposed to Sexual Abuse
Tuğçe Bilgiç, Ebru Kaya Mutlu, Hacer Eşref Atik Tosunlar, Caner Mutlu
doi: 10.14744/bauh.2024.68077  Pages 72 - 83
INTRODUCTION: Child sexual abuse is an issue that has become evident throughout the world in recent years and requires attention in its treatment. For this purpose, we investigated the effects of aerobic exercises used in physiotherapy on some findings related to post-traumatic stress such as depression and anxiety and on aerobic endurance, flexibility, and muscular endurance associated with physical fitness in the treatment of children exposed to sexual abuse.
METHODS: The research was carried out at the Child Advocacy Center affiliated by the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Clinic within Istanbul Bakırköy Prof. Dr. Mazhar Osman Mental Health and Neurological Diseases Training and Research Hospital. The study was planned in three groups and 34 cases were included. Groups were stated as control, home exercise, and physiotherapist-guided exercise for 12 weeks. Depression (Children Depression Inventory), anxiety (The Screen for Child Anxiety Related Disorders), post-traumatic stress responses (Child Post-traumatic Stress Reaction Index), cardiovascular capacity (6-min walk test-6 [MWT]), endurance (1-Minute Sit-up and Push-Up Tests), flexibility (Sit-and-Reach Test) and quality of life (Quality of Life Scale for Children-QoL-C) parameters were evaluated at before and after treatment.
RESULTS: As a result; significant improvements were observed in 6 MWT in all groups; for anxiety, sit and push-ups, and quality of life in the exercise group; for sit and lie in exercise and home exercise groups (p<0.05). In comparison between groups, the exercise group was found superior to the others in anxiety and quality of life and to the control group in 6 MWT and psychosocial health (p<0.05).
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Aerobic exercise can be used safely in the treatment of children victims of sexual abuse. Due to the superiority of the physiotherapist-guided group, it can be preferred first.

6. As a Sustainable Alternative: Edible Insects
Melis Aydın, Nilgün Seremet Kürklü
doi: 10.14744/bauh.2023.65265  Pages 84 - 92
The rapid increase in the global population brings environmental problems, along with increasing demand for food. Sustainable nutrition refers to an approach to nutrition that aims to protect social and environmental sustainability and conserve food resources for future generations. Edible insects have the potential to be a sustainable food source as they have lower environmental impacts compared to other animal protein sources. In addition, studies examining the nutritional value of edible insects show that they have high nutritional values. However, there are some cultural, health, and hygiene concerns regarding the consumption of edible insects. These concerns suggest that edible insects could be a solution to global food demand if appropriate measures are taken for their safe consumption.

7. Evaluation of Wearable Technologies in Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation
Okan Şahin, Mustafa Oğuz Kethüdaoğlu, Mehmet Kaan Altunok, Aygül Köseoğlu, Suzan Aydın, Harun Dere, Ali Veysel Özden
doi: 10.14744/bauh.2023.43531  Pages 93 - 100
Wearable technologies are defined as electronic devices which can be carried on clothes and accessories and provide psychological monitoring and biological feedback as well. Rings, bracelets, watches, jewelry such as lenses or spectacles, headbands, e-textile goods, and hearing aids are all types of wearable devices. In this study, “wearable technologies,” “physiotherapy,” “physical activity,” “sleep,” and “smart textiles” keywords have been searched in PubMed, Google Scholar, Cochrane, and Scopus databases between 2001 and 2023. Wearable devices used in central nervous system diseases, athletes, sleep, physical activity, and weight control as well as smart textiles used in rehabilitation have been included in our study. Wearable technology makes it possible to expand the database of health-related information in addition to helping to monitor, improve, and maintain health. These technologies are commonly used in many diseases’ diagnoses such as epilepsy and sleep disorders, in the follow-up of parameters related to physical activity and athlete’s health, treatment, and rehabilitation processes of central nervous system diseases like Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s. In addition, smart textile products are used for sensory processing problems of individuals with autism spectrum disorder and figure out the risk of diabetic foot ulcers. By examining wearable technologies used for different purposes in physiotherapy and rehabilitation, this study contributes to the use of these technologies in new scientific studies.

8. Nursing Approach to the Patient with Left Ventricular Assist Device According to the Health Promotion Model: Case Report
Gamze Ataman Yildiz, Fatma Eti Aslan
doi: 10.14744/bauh.2024.70288  Pages 101 - 104
After left ventricular assist devices (LVADs) are implanted, significant changes occur in patients’ lifestyles. It was planned to use Pender’s Health Promotion Model (HPM) to evaluate these patients and improve their health behaviors. In this direction, it was aimed to evaluate the individual and to create healthy lifestyle and behavior change. A 49-year-old male patient with a diagnosis of heart failure was implanted with an LVAD when medical treatments did not yield results and a suitable heart for heart transplantation could not be found. With the aim of improving the patient’s health, current and risk group nursing diagnoses were determined in the subjects of healthy lifestyle behaviors, health responsibility, spiritual development, interpersonal relationships, stress management, exercise, and nutrition in line with SGM. The model guided the individual who is responsible for controlling his/her health on how to gain health-promoting behaviors. With Pender’s SGM, it was seen how the patient with LVAD could manage his life with the device by developing healthy lifestyle behavior change. It is thought to contribute to the improvement of the patient’s quality of life after discharge.

9. There Is No Place Left Where Ultrasound Does Not Reach: Touching Dysphagia
Bülent Alyanak, Burak Tayyip Dede, Fatih Bağcıer
doi: 10.14744/bauh.2024.47955  Pages 105 - 106
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