e-ISSN: 3023-6053
Volume : 2 Issue : 3 Year : 2024

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Nursing Care of Pacemaker Associated Infections Using the Activities of Life Model: A Case Report [BAU Health Innov]
BAU Health Innov. 2024; 2(3): 134-139 | DOI: 10.14744/bauh.2025.76486

Nursing Care of Pacemaker Associated Infections Using the Activities of Life Model: A Case Report

Güler Uzungil1, Hayat Yalın2
1Coronary Intensive Care Unit, İstanbul University, İstanbul Faculty of Medicine Hospital, İstanbul, Türkiye
2Department of Nursing, Bahçeşehir University Faculty of Health Sciences, İstanbul, Türkiye

Cardiac pacemakers are devices used in the treatment of patients with bradyarrhythmia, providing electrical stimulation and transmitting impulses to the heart. In addition to prolonging patients' life expectancy, they play an effective role in alleviating symptoms caused by bradycardia. Despite technological advancements and anti-infection interventions, these implanted devices may still lead to infections due to their foreign body nature. To prevent infection, aseptic principles should be followed, dressings should be performed under appropriate conditions, and patients should be monitored for signs of infection while receiving information about nursing care practices. In the nursing profession, the use of models and theories is essential for collecting and generating scientific knowledge, as well as improving practices by enhancing their quality. This case report presents the nursing care process of a patient with a pacemaker-associated infection using the Nursing Model Based on Life Activities, a model that facilitates problem identification and resolution through a holistic evaluation of the individual.

Keywords: Life Activities Model, nursing care, pocket infection, sick sinus syndrome.

Corresponding Author: Güler Uzungil, Türkiye
Manuscript Language: English